Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks...

This year has been intense. A lot has happened in a short period of time. It's been both good and tragic, in many ways. Many of you close to me know more of the details. As we come to a holiday called Thanksgiving, I pause to reflect on the things I have to be thankful for.

Though this year has had a lot of "bad" things happen, I know that it has all happened for my good, and God's glory. I have a wonderful family, who I love so much, and who loves me. I have awesome friends who're always there. And I've made some awesome new friends this year. I have an amazing job! That I absolutely love! I worked on my first ever FEATURE film this year! And I had my first film come out on DVD! How awesome is that? And above all things, I have a wonderful Savior who is always there. And I mean always.

This year has been hard, but it's for my good. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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