Saturday, September 15, 2007

Stuff, Stuff and more Stuff!

Ok, lots of cool cool things to share today! :)

First, I found out on Friday that Smuggler's Ransom is a semi-finalist at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival! That means we're in the running for the Best of Festival Jubilee Award! I am really excited, and I'll be going out to San Antonio for the festival! (October 19-21).

Second, I wanted to tell you all about a band a few of my friends started. It's called The Ivy Street Band. They have a really cool sound (I think) and I'm trying to help get the word out about their band... so check them out on their website Be sure to listen for some rocking mandolin and banjo ;)

And finally! I am working hard on a new faith-based feature film script titled: Turning Point. I started this week, and I'm about 1/4 done with the first draft. It's really turning out nice, and I'm excited to finish my first full length script! I could use prayer though, it gets quite annoying and challenging, especially considering I don't consider myself much of a writer, even though I really enjoy it.

Anyway, there's my new news! Hope everyone who reads this is doing great!


Ginafish said...

I light a candle for you at (although I'm not Catholic) :) I hope you feel inspired!

Anonymous said...

It's really great to see so much interest in Christians making quality films with a positive message. I just wish that Doug Phillips wasn't behind the SAICFF. He's not doing a good job of being an honest film maker himself. Too many bad stories about him making fake documentaries like Raising The Allosaur for example.

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